Librairie Internationale V.O.

Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
11 janvier 2024

Everything changes, and everything stays the same !

Everything changes, and everything stays the same ! That is the mantra of Jonathan Coe's latest book, which tells a nation's story through generations of the same family? It's ambitious, it's clever and it works.

Through 7 periods of time, follow the life of Mary's family and see the UK evolve through their eyes : Wales nationalism, the worshipping of James Bond, the "chocolate wars", the outpouring of love for the "people's princess"...

You'll want to read more and more about their stories and History.

Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
22 juillet 2023

Badass et féministe

Cendrillon est morte il y a 200 ans. Depuis, le conte de fée connus de tous.tes est devenu la base d'une société patriarcale à laquelle Sophie veut mettre fin.

Sombre, badass et féministe, cette réécriture montre le pouvoir de la manipulation de l'histoire et de ce que cela peut cacher.


Brown, Natasha


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
22 juillet 2023

A quest of identity...

Behind the illusion of diversity, tolerance and equality that Great Britain promotes, lies the unpalatable truths that being black will ensure that you will never be accepted.

A stunning debut that examines race, British History, misogyny and microagressions experienced by an unnamed black woman in the UK.

A quest of identity during the 21st century, a reflexion on reclaiming your body and mind.


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
22 juillet 2023

Aventure et créatures mythiques !

D'aussi loin qu'il se souvienne, Alex a toujours eu peur de l'océan. Mais ça c'était avant qu'il ne se retrouve obligé de sauver une de ses créatures mythiques. Beaucoup d'amitié, d'humour, de pouvoirs magiques font de ce roman jeunesse un beau récit d'aventure prônant l'écologie.


Coe, Jonathan


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
22 juillet 2023

Everything changes, and everything stays the same !

Everything changes, and everything stays the same ! That is the mantra of Jonathan Coe's latest book, which tells a nation's story through generations of the same family? It's ambitious, it's clever and it works.

Through 7 periods of time, follow the life of Mary's family and see the UK evolve through their eyes : Wales nationalism, the worshipping of James Bond, the "chocolate wars", the outpouring of love for the "people's princess"...

You'll want to read more and more about their stories and History.